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EcoCamp has been proudly sustainable since 2001, but did you know that yoga is on the cards too? Each morning and afternoon we hang up our trekking boots and give in to the asanas that attract so many to this stunning part of the world. In March 2019, EcoCamp will team up with Vajya Yoga to host our third successful yoga retreat (details below).  Sounds perfect, right? Here are some of our favorite reasons why a yoga retreat in our part of the world is just what you need!


Photo Credit: @waterthruskin

1. Disconnect to Reconnect

Say goodbye to technology and constant connectivity, and say hello to Torres del Paine! It is easy to get lost in the humdrum of modern life, its bright lights, incessant phones, fast cars, and contamination. Here at EcoCamp, your distractions will slow right down and move from Facebook notifications to keeping your eyes peeled for pumas. We disconnect from tech for two reasons: a) to immerse ourselves in the energy of Patagonia, and b) to reconnect to ourselves and hear our inner voice.

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2. Mindfulness through Movement

A yoga retreat at EcoCamp would not be complete without some additional activities, and why would you want to pass up an exploration of a setting as stunning as this?  The intense concentration that comes from hiking up mountains or from laying in wait to witness native foxes dig into a fresh guanaco carcass is one of the best ways to forget about the trappings of the past and future so that you give in completely to the present.  We are firm believers that movement is beneficial for your mind as well as your body, which is why a stay at EcoCamp is all about getting active, no matter how small.

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3. Local + Organic Food

One of the best surprises about EcoCamp is the food - it’s delicious. It takes some serious logistics to bring in the amount of food that we need to the Park, store it, as well as ensure that everything we do stays within the limits of being sustainable, eco-friendly, and carbon neutral. We also bring ethics into our meals - that means no salmon, no soft drinks, locally sourced ingredients, organic wherever possible, and dishes that draw on the intricacies of Chilean and Patagonian cuisine.  And we can cater to your requests! We can go vegan, vegetarian or even gluten-free - you name it!

organic food

4. Empower the Community

Did you know that EcoCamp has its very own Chief of Sustainability?  Meet Arancha Azores, a native of Spain who has been with EcoCamp for years and who dedicates 100% of her time to conservation and social projects.  For example, in September we took part in the First Seminar of Inclusive Travel at the University of Magallanes to discuss our work with benefit corporation, Wheel the World, and our efforts to make our tours more accessible. In October we worked with AMA Torres del Paine to bring children from a local Punta Arenas school to help us with our reforestation efforts at EcoCamp so that they could learn about conservation. These are just a few examples of how we regularly empower the community around us.

sustainability actions

5. Sustainable Comfort

Yes, we know you know this one - EcoCamp is a 100% carbon neutral hotel in Torres del Paine. But did you know that much of our technology was invented by us too? Back in the late 1990’s, when the idea of EcoCamp began to take shape, there weren’t many options out there in the world to model ourselves on. So we solved the problem ourselves, creating a unique circuit of domes that utilized natural light and resources, raising them off the ground so that they didn’t make any impact on the undergrowth, installing a composting toilet system, and developing our very own hydro and solar energy sources The result? The first sustainable hotel south of the Amazon and the first geodesic dome hotel in the world. Today, we have expanded quite a bit to include more domes, including the Wellness Domes, but all are just as sustainable as the very first.

suite loft

6. Make Friends for Life

Something that we hear a lot from guests at EcoCamp is the amazing sense of camaraderie they feel while out on excursions, during briefing sessions with guides, or even when just chilling out in the Bar.  This feeling of closeness is something that can’t really be explained on paper - you’ll just have to come and live it for yourself (the Patagonian-inspired drinks certainly help!).

make friends

7. Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

That’s what it’s all about.  From sleeping in a Standard Dome (where you say goodbye to electricity and move with the movement of the sun), through to joining people from all walks of life on a trek or closing your eyes as you cross a wobbly bridge above a raging river, stepping out of the comfort of everyday life and embracing new challenges is one of the best parts of an EcoCamp trip. The best part? You are never forced to do anything you don’t want, meaning you can take it all at your own pace.

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8. Embrace Gratitude

You won’t be able to help it. Starting your day with meditation with nothing but the wind of Patagonia to guide your breath is one of life’s great moments, even more so because here the very air seems to vibrate with its own energy. Whether it's the happiness radiating from the guests and staff around you or perhaps it is the powerful magnetism of the Paine towers massif that you wake up to see every morning, there is something rather remarkable here.

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9. Try an Eco-Massage!

The newest dome to join the EcoCamp skyline is Man Keokén (¨cave where the sun rises¨ in Tehuelche), one of our Wellness Domes where you can choose from two massage options that utilize natural oils and aromatherapy: deep-tissue or relaxing. This is one of the perfect ways to give in to the moment, ease those tired muscles, and relax.

massage dome

10. Restore Your Body & Soul

If it sounds as though we are repeating some points, it might be because they deserve to be reiterated! At the close of your yoga retreat, you will feel noticeably lifted from within and maybe even struggle to board the van to leave. The magic of Torres del Paine, combined with the energy of EcoCamp, is something that will stay with you long after you leave, body and soul replenished.

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Coming Soon: VajraSol Yoga Retreat

From March 10-17 2019, Vajra Sol will join us once again for another successful retreat. The vinyasa flow yoga on offer is a stronger practice than normal which allows for plenty of activity and room to go at your own pace making it ideal for all levels of experience. Each class focuses on integrating mind and body as well as posture, strength, and flexibility in order to nurture a healthy mind and a healthy body. Each yoga instructor is experienced and from diverse backgrounds, so each class could have its own unique spin. This retreat combines yoga with EcoCamp’s signature activities so that each day is a new adventure.

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