
Cascada Team

The Cascada Expediciones team wants to provide you with the most complete and updated information so you can prepare yourself for a trip of a lifetime in South America!

When is the Best Time to Visit Torres del Paine?

When is the best time to visit Torres del Paine? That is biggest question for all travelers going to Patagonia and for good reason - this region has...
Published: August 31, 2020
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What You Need to Know About Travel Insurance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

We are living in a time with many uncertainties. Between border closings and temperature checks, some travelers are feeling a bit hesitant to board...
Published: August 27, 2020
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Why are Parks Important? Let's Hear from the Experts

Last week, a webinar hosted by Chilean nature publication Ladera Sur and bi-national nonprofit organization Chile California Council looked at the...
Published: August 12, 2020
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How to Take Great Travel Photos With Your Phone

Here at Cascada Expediciones, we recognize the prevalence of phones and how that plays into modern travel. Many of our guests take travel photos...
Published: July 30, 2020
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10 Unreal Photos of Torres del Paine

Welcome to the end of the world --- Torres del Paine National Park. In the depths of Southern Patagonia, this long stretch of wild land is the...
Published: July 23, 2020
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Spotting Pumas in Wild Patagonia

“She’s called Sister -- a female that’s seven years old.” It took no more than a simple glance for professional puma tracker Diego Araya to identify...
Published: July 13, 2020
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5 Trips To Take Post COVID-19 Lockdown

As countries start opening up and people begin to resume regular activities, we are looking forward to welcoming back our travelers to Chile. We know...
Published: June 22, 2020
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#StayHome: See What the Cascada Expediciones Team is Up to

Here at Cascada Expediciones, we are working together to flatten the curve, quickly and safely reopen the economy and ultimately welcome back our...
Published: May 20, 2020
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How to Make Chile’s National Drink, the Pisco Sour

Odds are, if you’ve traveled down to Chile then you’ve surely sipped on a famous pisco sour cocktail. It’s a tangy treat made straight from grape...
Published: May 8, 2020
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The Chilean Way

Want to learn more about the beautiful country of Chile? Download our insider’s guide to learn all the best travel tips and tricks.

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