Now more than ever, we are convinced that short movies are a powerful way to reconnect humans with nature. Whether you live in the countryside or a big city, powerful video content allows you to escape, feel and get moved by nature. This was our goal when we released “The Circuit” in May 2019. This 5-minute film follows nature photographer Robert King as he hikes Patagonia’s most spectacular hiking route, the Torres del Paine “O” Circuit.
We are proud to announce that this video was awarded during the 2020 Travel Video Awards. It actually won two awards. “Best Video by a Tourism Agency/To” (Jury selection) and winner of the “Audience Awards” (Industry) thanks to the public votation. Thanks for your support!
See the full list of winners here.
We love to do things fast these days, but the reality is sometimes you just need to take it slow. The W trek is an excellent case in point because it blips by far too quickly, which is a shame when you consider how crazy beautiful this place is. The Paine Circuit is our favorite program in Torres del Paine because its changing terrain means you have more time to slow down and connect to yourself and the natural world. Intrigued? Keep reading!

The short film was directed by EcoCamp Patagonia resident filmmaker Timothy Dhalleine, who produces most of EcoCamp and Cascada Expediciones videos. We had the chance to speak with him and hear his thoughts on the awards and video:
Timothy, what do you want to share through your short films?
I am fortunate enough to have filmed and photographed in Torres del Paine National Park for the last six years. Everyone knows Patagonia’s raw beauty, but it’s not a place for everyone to live. There are harsh weather conditions, people live in remote areas and there is a lot of disconnection with the “outside world.” But at the same time, I believe a reconnection with the basics of life, as well as a more natural, eco-friendly lifestyle, is crucial in nowadays’ world. This is the message I like to share through the short films I produce.
What does this award mean for you?
An award is a good way to reach more people and I am happy to reach an audience with a message I truly believe in. I am also grateful the Travel Video Awards team decided to hold the contest despite the challenges that we are all facing today. I know people need to “travel from home” in these times of uncertainty and this nomination is an invitation for people to “look deep into nature.” I hope that after that crisis, humans will appreciate the simple fact of being outside in nature.

“The Circuit” follows nature photographer Robert King, born and raised in Australia, who travels around the world to immortalize the beauty of planet Earth. He hiked the Torres del Paine “O” Circuit with Cascada Expediciones. We were able to speak with Robert King and ask him about his experience on the trail:
Robert, what do you think were the highlights of the “O Trek”?
The highlight for me was being able to experience such insane wild landscapes with such a small group of people. It felt like I was the only one on the circuit at times and you get to experience a powerful connection with fellow hikers on the trails.
Do you think documentaries about the natural world can impact people?
Such videos can have an enormous impact on people. I think that I was fortunate enough as a young child to have real world interactions with nature. So many people aren’t that fortunate and for a lot of them, their first interaction with nature comes from watching a documentary.
How challenging was the circuit for you?
I didn’t have good shoes, so I got some pretty bad blisters on my feet. Other than that it was very enjoyable. I love to hike and push myself!
Do you have any advice for future trekkers?
Break in your hiking shoes and invest in some good ones! Also make sure you meet and connect with the porters. Those guys are crazy fun and have some cool stories.
Stay stafe, get inspired, travel later! Follow the links to watch more Cascada Expediciones & EcoCamp Patagonia videos.